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Wine and food enterprises are blocked in investment? Three exhibitions in East China to break the market barriers and help to open the core consumer circle



East China is one of the fastest growing economic regions in China, especially the Yangtze River Delta region, which has been growing faster than the national average in recent years.

As a result, East China's strong consumption capacity has become the core consumption market for alcohol, food and beverages in China. The big water and big fish have become the true portrayal of the East China market.

Based on Shandong, Jiangsu and Anhui provinces in East China, Gobo China International Exhibition Group, after years of deep cultivation, has strongly built three professional exhibition brands of wine and food industry: National Food Expo, Nanjing Sugar & Wine Fair and Anhui Sugar & Wine Fair. With strong geographical radiation ability and good market expansion effect, the exhibition has made positive contributions to the prosperity of the East China alcohol, food and beverage market over the years, and also provided strong assistance to the market promotion and brand publicity of many alcohol and food brands, and has been well received by the exhibitors and professional visitors' favor and trust.



East China market, a big market for wine and food distribution that cannot be ignored

East China, as one of the most economically developed and dynamic regions in China, is of far-reaching strategic significance. According to the data, East China includes seven provinces and cities, namely Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Fujian, Jiangxi, Shandong and Taiwan (this article will mainly discuss some provinces and cities in East China represented by Jiangsu, Shandong, Anhui, Zhejiang and Shanghai), which is not only geographically important, but also has a huge economy, which has an important influence on the national and even global economy.

Against this background, East China has become an important consumption region in China, especially in terms of FMCG consumption, and the East China market has a leading role in the country.

Especially in terms of FMCG consumption, the East China market has a leading role in the whole country. Among them, the East China market is the core consumption market for alcohol, food and beverages, which are products with high consumption frequency among FMCG products.

An open and inclusive core market for liquor consumption with huge market opportunities

The East China market of liquor industry is mainly composed of Jiangsu, Shandong, Anhui, Zhejiang and Shanghai. According to publicly available data, the above regional liquor market capacity of about 240 billion yuan, accounting for more than one-third of the national liquor market size.

This also created Jiangsu, Shandong, Anhui, Zhejiang, Shanghai has become the gathering place of many famous liquor enterprises, but also become the major liquor brands in the nationalization of the market to develop the core area of the priority force. This also makes the East China region become the most prosperous region of domestic liquor consumption.


In addition to white wine, the East China market is also a must for wine brands, according to statistics, East China wine sales accounted for 31.5% of the country, wine drinking atmosphere is very strong, Maotai wine has planned to cultivate in East China, support 100 annual sales of more than 1 million dealers.

Zhejiang, Jiangsu and Shanghai, as the main production and marketing areas of yellow wine, needless to say, the consumption atmosphere. With developed economy, avant-garde consumption and open and inclusive market, all kinds of wine have achieved better development in East China. As a "rich mine" of alcohol consumption, East China has become an increasingly important area for alcohol companies to explore in recent years.

The demographic dividend of young consumers has created a strong food and beverage market in East China.

In addition to a good economy, East China has the largest population in the country. This also provides a broad consumer market for food and beverages.

Among them, young consumers as the main force of food and beverage consumption, get young people to get the world is becoming the consensus of major food and beverage companies.

According to Reese Strategic Positioning Consulting's "How to Innovate for the Tangled Generation Z - China's Snacks and Beverages Category Research Report" (hereinafter referred to as the "Report"), Generation Z's average monthly disposable income is nearly 50% higher than the national average, and 90% of Generation Z will gradually become heavy consumers in the snacks and beverages industry. The research results show that Gen Z will gradually become the main consumer in the snacks and beverages industry. Specifically, more than 80% of Generation Z spend more than 400 RMB per month on snacks and beverages, i.e., a daily average of more than 10 RMB.


In this regard, East China has a huge advantage. According to the data of AiMedia Consulting, from the geographical distribution situation, China's college students are mainly concentrated in developed regions, East China and South China occupy half of the country, accounting for 34.1% and 18.4% respectively. This brings a huge market advantage for food and beverage consumption in East China.

At the same time, according to the Chinese enterprise database enterprise cat data, as of May 30, 2023, China's casual food industry registered a total of 31,719 enterprises, of which Shandong and Jiangsu have the largest number of registered enterprises, amounting to 3,198 2,899, respectively, and there are more than 1,000 enterprises in the provinces of Fujian, Guangdong, Zhejiang, Sichuan, Henan and so on.

According to the data center of Guanyan World Data Center, in the distribution of regional market size of China's vitamin beverage industry, East China accounted for 28.6%, and is firmly at the top of the list.

From this, we can also see the huge market size of food and beverage in East China.


Three exhibitions from May to August to help wine and food enterprises compete in the East China market

As we all know, the current wine and food industry has once again ushered in a period of deep adjustment. Under the new situation, how to effectively pry the market has become an important issue that most enterprises need to face together.

As an important platform for market development in the wine and food industry, professional B2B exhibitions are still playing the role of a unique industry resource aggregation platform, which is of great significance to wine and food enterprises in terms of market development, brand publicity, integration into the market, network expansion, learning and communication, and trend research and judgment.

Advantages of regional exhibitions are highlighted under the new situation

For a long time, many wine and food enterprises only consider national exhibitions, which often makes them neglect regional exhibitions. Of course, due to the varying quality of regional exhibitions, many regional exhibitions use low prices as bait, which often results in exhibitors being left holding the bag.

On the other hand, some high-quality regional exhibitions are highly recognized by the industry with good exhibition results. This part of the exhibition usually has seven core advantages, such as superb market cultivation ability, strong regional resource integration ability, good effectiveness, good brand endorsement, high-quality service, standardized exhibition order, and a long history of holding the exhibition.

The advantages of regional exhibitions will be further highlighted under the role of the current trend of intensifying competition in the industry and the popularity of niche characteristics. Its good market sinking and reaching ability is more conducive to wine and food enterprises to quickly seize and layout the market, and help wine and food enterprises to get good results at the lowest cost.

Three exhibitions linking up to help enterprises compete in the East China market

As a famous exhibition organizer in China's wine and food industry, Gobo China International Exhibition Group has successfully built three UFI-certified brand exhibitions in Shandong, Jiangsu and Anhui over the years, including the National Food Expo, China (Nanjing) International Sugar, Alcohol and Food Fair (Nanjing Sugar & Wine Fair for short) and China (Anhui) International Sugar, Alcohol and Food Fair (Anhui Sugar & Wine Fair for short), and has become one of the leading exhibitions for the wine and food industry in China. The best of the best.

From May to August 2024, the 18th CNFE2024, the 14th China (Nanjing) International Sugar, Wine and Food Fair, and the 25th China (Anhui) International Sugar, Wine and Food Fair will be held in Jinan, the capital of Shandong Province, Nanjing, the capital of Jiangsu Province, and Hefei, the capital of Anhui Province, in that order.


Shandong, Jiangsu and Anhui, as the representative core consumer markets of wine and food in East China, the three exhibitions will strongly help wine and food enterprises to reach the Suzhou, Luwan and Anhui markets. In addition, the show will have a strong radiating ability to influence the neighboring provinces and cities, helping enterprises to truly penetrate the East China market.

At present, with the passage of time, the above three exhibitions are about to bloom magnificently. The exhibition investment, recruitment work is being carried out in an orderly manner.